Clear and Present Danger

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Introduction. Clear and Present Danger is the restriction of the right of free speech when it is deemed to have a clear and present danger and affect upon people. Throughout history, the affect of clear and present danger is evident. What Supreme Court cases in history have had a substantial bearing on clear and present danger? What programs have been implemented by the government to mitigate instances of clear and present danger in the United …

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…December 10, 2001 The USA Patriot Act: A Legal Analysis CRS Report to Congress RL31377, April 15, 2002 United States Supreme Court (1951, June 4). Dennis et al v. United States. Retrieved February 5, 2004 from: University of Phoenix. (Ed.). (2003). Nevada and U.S. constitutions [University of <Tab/>Phoenix Custom Edition]. Austin: Leyh Publishing, LLC. Privacy: An Overview of Federal Statues Governing Wiretapping and Electronic Eavesdropping, CRS Report for Congress 98-326, updated Jan 13, 2003