Classroom struggle: school's out for peace, unity and social justice (article published in the Sydney Morning Herald)

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
March 5 was a historic day. It was the beginning of an international youth movement against war on Iraq. High school students, university students and other young people united to take a message loud and clear to world leaders: there is a better solution to this conflict, and we're prepared to fight for it. The slogan? Books not bombs. Students feel that the money which will be spent on the military would be better spent on …

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…next time we are joined by other sectors of the anti-war movement - trade unions, teachers, parents, community figureheads and others. The demonstrations confirmed two things. This war is a cutting-edge issue in politics today and John Howard has failed to convince the majority of the population that Australia should be involved. There is no democracy in this country until Howard submits to the will of the majority.