"Clan of Resident Aliens" - A survey of what a true American is, with actual personal reflections from the perspective of a fully assimilated immigrant from Europe.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
I belong to a Clan of Resident Aliens. My neighbor is a former Russian communist, my gardener is Hispanic and my best friend is somewhere in between. As for me, I?m supposed to be an American, one that was born some ten thousand miles away in an undersized, under-populated, under-represented republic called Armenia. Am I really American? What is American? <Tab/>On October 10, 1492 a man named Christopher Columbus landed in …

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…As I was looking through the abstract yet comfortingly familiar shape, I realized that through it I could see all the other countries on the globe. Both literally and symbolically, now I realized that America was really a microcosm of the whole world. It was a collection of all the intelligent, motivated, hardworking, and determined individuals from all the countries in the world. These were the true American citizens. Everyone was a true American citizen.