Civil war facts

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Fact Sheet Events After the Civil War *<Tab/>On the 15.04.1885, Andrew Johnson was names President after Lincolns assassination and the end of the war. *<Tab/>There were 4 million slaves that had no homes, money and education after the war. *<Tab/>After the war, Pres. Johnson sent 3000 Federal troops to keep the peaces and look out for Black Rights in the South. *<…

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…and cotton planters to immigrate there. These people founded Americana, a city in Brazil. *<Tab/>The term 'carpetbagger' originated after the war when there was a huge influx of immigration to the South from the North. They all used carpetbags as a suitcase *<Tab/>By 1877, Grant, the new Pres. Withdrew all the federal troops from the South. This was the first sign of true peace to come.