Civil rights movement.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
CIVIL RIGHTS REPORTER June 2, 2003 Little Rock Nine Today, in Little Rock Arkansas, the school district superintendent of the Little Rock school board allowed the desegregation of a school here. Central High School added nine African American students to its population of about two thousand White students. The night before the first day of school, Arkansas' governor, Oral Faubus announced on television that the National Guard was posted at the school to prevent "evidence of disorder …

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…father was killed by a White mob, we can contribute his anger and need for retaliation. He wants the Black community to realize they deserved better than what they had, and that "Black is beautiful". There is no shame in curls, dark skin, or a different shaped nose. Malcolm's extremist views, however, are very startling to the White community and the Nation of Islam, and might get him into more trouble than he bargained for.