Civil War: Prelude to the Civil War

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Essay Database > History > North American History
There were many events that led to the Civil War. The first event was the Missouri Compromise. The Missouri Compromise admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, thus keeping the balance in the Senate. It also banned slavery in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase north of latitude 36 degrees, which was Missouri's southern boundary. The Missouri Compromise came about, because of the debate over both slavery and Missouri's economy in 1819, …

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…Union. Soon Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas passed similar acts of secession. Delegates from six of the seven seceding states met in Montgomery, Alabama, and drafted a constitution for the Confederate States of America. The states did not technically have the right to secede. However, James Buchanan was leaving, so he let the incoming president deal with the problem. The horrible event that would then occur is known today as the Civil War.