Civil War Essay: The Major Contributing Factors to the Civil War

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Essay Database > History
If asked, most people would blame as the cause of the civil war the issue of slavery. This is understandable; many people in the U.S. at the time were against slavery, going to far as to help runaway slaves escape to the free north. But, while slavery at face value was a major factor, international politics and economics played a major role. Several factors, including the election of Lincoln, the raid on Harper's Ferry, …

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…a boil in 1861. Slavery was a major factor, both politically and morally. The Civil War kept the Union together, at the cost of thousands of lives, but at the same time resulted in a new lease on life for thousands of slaves. The Fugitive Slave Law, the election of Lincoln, the raid at Harper's Ferry, and the Dred Scott decision all contributed to the Civil War, and thus, to the ending of slavery in America