Civil War Anti-Slavery movement.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
There are several events that strengthened the antislavery movement prior to the Civil War. These events include the establishment of an antislavery newspaper, the tension Elijah P. Lovejoy's death caused, the law passed in 1850 denying runaway slaves the right to a trial, Harriet Beecher Stowe's involvement in the movement, The Dread Scott Case, and finally the John Brown movement. Collectively, these events supported and established the antislavery movement prior to the Civil War. As early …

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…the Civil War included the establishment of antislavery newspapers, books about the treatment of slaves, the tension caused by laws passed denying the rights of slaves, as well as the many movements of antislavery advocates. The events that followed would change American history, as we know it forever. WORKS CITED Freely, Mary Drake The Civil War Telecourse Study Guide McLean, Virginia: EPM Publications. INC McPherson, James M.Battle Cry of Freedom New York,: Ballantine Books, 1989.