Civil Rights of the 1960s

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Essay Database > History
During the 1960s many civil rights movement swung into full gear. Many civil rights activists started to meet and discuss future strategies for civil rights protest. Many activists also started to form groups to help fight against racial discrimination and segregation. Many of these groups chose to use nonviolent resistance in their protests like sit-ins. In 1960 some 50,000 students, both African American and white, were involved in sit-in protests. The leaders of these sit-ins later founded …

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…government spending. Before he made a march on Washington D.C., King traveled to Memphis, Tennessee. On the evening of April 4, 1968, the man who was the symbol of nonviolence met a violent end when he was shot by a sniper. The murder Martin Luther King Jr. rocked the civil rights organizations and rioting broke out that left 46 dead and thousands injured. Civil rights leaders were still able to hold strong and continues movements into the 19