Civil Rights in the 1960's

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
Imagine, for a moment, a society under turmoil. In this said society, the nation in question was afflicted with a plague of disillusion and a sense of dread that was spreading over the common citizen like wildfire. Try to picture a nation where family was pitted against family, one political alignment against another political agenda, and the security of the nation that at one time was stable, was now on the verge of toppling. While …

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…in American values. At first, liberal Democrats were against abortion reform and the Republican party was for it. The abortion law repeal did not sit well with many Americans, and this is one factor that helped to put the Republican party back into power. The other main element that aided the Republicans was war. At first, the American people rallied around the president when it was time to go to war, with few questions asked.