Civil Liberties versus the USA PATRIOT Act.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
In the early 18th century, Great Britain colonized parts of North America to supply itself with raw materials and capital. The early colonists came to this country to start a new life. Many of them felt that the British government had too much control over their new lives. The colonists worked very hard, but the government imposed many taxes and created the Quartering Act which said that a colonist had to supply a British solider …

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…Files/OpenFile.cfm?id=11812>. "The USA PATRIOT Act: Preserving Life and Liberty." Preserving Life and Liberty. US Government. 16 Nov 2004 <>. "USA Patriot Act weakens checks and balances." USA Patriot Act weakens checks and balances. 21 Nov. 2004 <>. Welch, Matt. "Get Ready for PATRIOT II." 2 April 2003. AlterNet. 20 Nov. 2004 <>.