Civil Liberties VS National Security

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
All Americans would agree that it is important to feel safe and secure. But the important question posed is: are Americans ready and willing to give up many everyday freedoms that we take for granted? My answer is no. I understand it is the government's job to protect its people and keep them safe, but having some of my liberties taken away from me is not something that I am ready to give up. &…

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…one-hundred percent correct in his statement. Terrorism has been happening for countless decades. And it was not until 9/11 that we began fighting back. Now we have made Iraq the central theater in the war, where we overthrew the Saddam and are now trying to set-up a democracy. Although the US should continue its fight against terrorism, the fight should not be conducted at the expense of Americans' civil liberties granted to us by the Constitution.