Civil Disobedience

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
What are the Dynamics of Civil Disobedience and Descent in the United States? The use of nonviolence runs throughout history. There have been numerous instances of people courageously and nonviolently refusing cooperation with injustice. However, the fusion of organized mass struggle and nonviolence is relatively new. It originated largely with Mohandas Gandhi in 1906 at the onset of the South African campaign for Indian rights. Later, the Indian struggle for complete independence from the British Empire …

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…injustice is a form of violence. Struggle and conflict are often necessary to correct injustice. Our struggle is not easy, and we must not think of nonviolence as a "safe" way to fight oppression. The strength of nonviolence comes from our willingness to take personal risk without threatening other people. It is essential that we separate the individual from the role she/he plays. The "enemy" is the system that casts people in oppressive roles.