City Of Light

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Essay Database > Literature > English
City of Light City of Light, by Lauren Belfer is a breathtakingly ingenious novel, which combines love, mystery and suspense. The novel contains, suspenseful situations, mysterious deaths, and the development of useful electrical power, which is then transported to modern factories and the Pan American Exposition. The character that plays a major role in the development of this novel is Thomas Sinclair. Thomas Sinclair is a businessman, father, and powerful resident of Buffalo, which is …

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…to the Sinclair house through alternating current. This alone shows the power Sinclair created within the City of Buffalo. In conclusion, Thomas Sinclair is one of the most interesting characters other than Louisa Barrett. He was not born rich and has worked extremely hard for what he has accomplished in life. All of this hard work seems to have paid dividends with respect to his house and his possible romance with Miss Barrett. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**