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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
1.What are the colors of our flag? Red, white and blue 2.How many stars are there on our flag? 50 3.What color are the stars on our flag? white 4.What do the stars on the flag mean? There is one star for each state in the Union. Each star represents a state. 5.How many stripes are on the flag? 13 6.What color are the stripes? Red and white 7.What do the stripes on the flag mean? They …

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…the Boston Tea Party? The colonists were upset over the tax on tea and dumped the tea into the Boston Harbor and soon the Revolutionary War started. 119.What are the three most important powers of the United States Congress? (1) to make the laws (2) to declare war and (3) to admit new states to the Union 120.What were the years of the Civil War? 1861-1865 121.In what city was the Declaration of Independence signed? In Philadephia, Pennsylvania