Cisco System's control over the computer networking market and the history of their development.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
The largest technology company in the world won't touch your desktop computer. The largest computer company in the world--or at least, the most valuable--is no longer Microsoft. Last March, Microsoft temporarily surrendered that position, due to shifting stock prices, to another: Cisco Systems, which doesn't have any products you are likely to install on your desktop computer soon. Since then, Microsoft's stock has tumbled hard, and Cisco has solidified its leadership position even as its …

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…emotional responses. There are some people who feel that Microsoft acted as a monopoly and stifled competition, but that legal action against it is too late; the desktop operating system is losing importance as the Internet becomes predominant. Cisco, however, is lodged near the heart of the Internet. If government regulatory groups are encouraged by the results of the Microsoft antitrust suit, it would not be surprising to see them turn their attention toward Cisco.