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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Family circumstances and dilemmas have become an increasingly significant part of modern society, especially in the Western nations. The fairy tale of 'Cinderella' raised the concept of a wicked stepmother who treated the first daughter of her husband harshly and with extreme dislike. These days, the situation could not possibly be any more contradictory to the original circumstances. Divorces and remarriages are common in today's day and age, many children of previous marriages are forced …

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…time, she runs off in a rush, leaving her glass slipper behind. The prince is eager to find her and demands that all the women and girls of the land try on the glass slipper. Cinderella does and it fits perfectly, her stepmother and stepsisters are beyond shock and more jealous of her than ever. The prince calls for her, taking her away to his palace where they get married and live happily ever after.