Cigarettes:Not your Friend. Advice Essay in Heatlth

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Cancer, heart attacks, emphysema, these are only a few of the major problems you could get from smoking. Not only can you get long term health problems, but it's also very unappealing. Don't forget that you'll also loose tons of money. Many of my family and friends have been through this problem. That's why I think to not smoke is the best advice I can give you. First of all, having the habit of smoking …

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…your life! That doesn't sound like a lot, but times that by the amount an average smoker smokes a day, twenty? Thirty? To me it's not a risk worth taking. In conclusion, smoking is just the wrong thing to do. It wastes you money, makes you unappealing, and can greatly hurt your health. You get nothing positive from making that wrong decision. In my opinion this is the greatest advice I could give to anyone.