Chuang Tzu & Mencius.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Chuang Tzu, and Mencius were two of the most important figures in Chinese philosophy and literature. Chuang Tzu was of the Taoist tradition; his works are eloquent and full of wonderful imagery. Mencius was a Confucian philosopher; as such his writings are more practical, and less colourful then Chuang Tzu's. The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast, in terms of imagery and language, the works of Chuang Tzu and Mencius. To do …

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…work is a compilation of his conversation rather then a proper work of prose. In Contrast to this Chuang Tzu looks like a professional writer being compared to someone just learning to write. His work is vivid, full of memorable imagery; the work is engaging and well thought-out, very professional. It could be said that one reads Mencius because they wish to learn his lessons, but Chuang Tzu's work can be read just for enjoyment.