Christopher M. Sterba's Good Americans: Italian and Jewish Immigrants During the First World War Review

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Essay Database > History > North American History
<Tab/>World War I not only had a significant impact on the individual people of the United States, but also on the American society as a whole. In Good Americans: Italian and Jewish Immigrants During the First World War, Christopher M. Sterba writes the personal account of two distinct regiments of the United States military composed of Jewish and Italian immigrants, from New York City and New Haven respectively. Sterba argues …

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…contributions. " The immigrants felt they had done their part in the war effort, overseas and at home, and knew they had lost most ties with their past lives in original countries. The Americans and immigrants had to come together to end the war and to put an end to the German, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottomon empires. Their togetherness accompanied by a victory in Europe allowed these two groups of Italians and Jews to become true Americans.