Christianity and Homosexuality

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Essay Database > History
During the last 2,000 years of Christianity many changes have taken place in how it sees people and their place in the kingdom of God. The Church has changed its views of people of other races as inferior, or savages, in need of salvation. They have changed their views on womens equality. They are even in the midst of making amends with and reaching out to Muslims and Jews. But most modern Christians have a more …

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…Venice,CA, P.15 6.The Holy Bible(King James) 1944, National Bible Press, Philadelphia,PA P.1324 7.Op. Cit. P. 8.Gomes,Peter The Good Book, 1996, William Morrow and Comp.,Inc. New York, P. 146 9.The Holy Bible(King James), 1944, National Bible Press, Philadelphia,PA, Pps.155,158 10.Gomes,Peter The Good Book, 1996, William Morrow and Comp.,Inc. New York, P. 147 11.Op. Cit. P.160 12.Gallagher,John &Bull,Chris Perfect Enemies, 1996, Crown Publishers,Inc. New York, P.5 13.Op.Cit. P.7 14.Op.Cit. P.10