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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
VIOLENCE FOREVER? The illusion of equality for all, no matter race, color or creed, embraces every American's soul. Yet, the myth of such a concept has continually perforated any reality of existence throughout the late 19th century through the first decade of the 20th. The racial and ethnic hostility grew among the rich and the poor, the whites and the nonwhites, and the women and men. The results of this plague bifurcated the American society. …

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…to be an issue through today. The hostile feelings still have one common thread - the intolerance of people from all backgrounds for inequality. History has proven that such intolerance results in violence and separation of the human race. Yet, the hope remains to gain the true meaning of equality and justice for all. This hope motivated the people of the 19th century into the 20th, and on to the 21st century in American society