Choose two poems that issue warnings and write about the ideas they present. How powerful are the messages.

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Essay Database > Literature
Choose two poems that issue warnings and write about the ideas they present. How powerful are the messages. The poem Windscale, by Norman Nicholson, talks about a place beside the sea in Cumbria. It is the sight of a nuclear processing plant. It is a very bitter poem and has a bitter tone. It is full of anger and accusation; different to the other poem; neighbours. "The toadstool towers infest the shore:" the toadstool towers …

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…birds migrations, one bird returning with green in its voice glasnost golau glas a first break of blue. There are hope in the ending of this poem. There are images of birds, which symbolise peace. People are waiting for a hopeful future full of freedom. It is clever how the writer has combined two languages, Russian and Welsh, hoping for more friendship and co-operation between the countries. The poem encapsulates nature with a hopeful ending.