Choose 3 moments of heightened drama in the play 'A View from the Bridge'. Explain how Arthur Miller builds up dramatic tension and where you think the sympathies of the audience lie.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Arthur Miller was born in New York in 1915. He wrote many plays with various subjects but the most well known play is The Crucible. The Crucible was written primarily on the subject of the witch-hunts in Salem. Although the subject of the play was as such, the play is in-fact based on the McCarthy hearings in the late 1940s. The McCarthy hearings were basically a way of destroying the livelihood of anti-communists, so the story …

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…want something else, Eddie, and you can never have her'. Throughout the play the audience's sympathies lie with the victims regardless of their motives. We forgive Eddie in the end even though he torments the other characters throughout 'A View from the Bridge'. Miller has created a purely dramatic play, which is filled with tension, aggression and love. In the end what we must remember is that this play is an original tragic love story.