Chomsky V. Friedman: A persuasive essay on the differing opinions of Noam Chomsky and Thomas Friedman when it comes to foreign affairs. In favor of Chomsky.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Chomsky V. Friedman The events of September 11th, 2001 evoked many different reactions and sparked diverse conversations within the United States. One of the major topics to emerge from the rubble was "What did we do to deserve this?" Although, many people asked it earnestly wanting to know, and others asked rhetorically, implying that we did not do anything to deserve this. Even though both Thomas Friedman and Noam Chomsky ask the question, "What did we …

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…need to be destroyed, but remedied. <Tab/>Thomas Friedman and Noam Chomsky hold drastically different beliefs on the issue of why the events of September 11th occurred and how to deal with those responsible for them. Each holds a common view among citizens of the United States, although one may be more shortsighted and destructive than the other, the U.S. government has obviously made its decision and sided with Friedman.