Choices in "Life Of Pi" by Yann Martel.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
If "Life of Pi" doesn't, as the Mr. Adirubasamy says, "make you believe in God,(VIII)" it will certainly open your mind into seeing the power of imagination. Pi's two tales are both exciting and thought-provoking, but it is when they are told together that readers are forced to analyze each situation and see the relationship they have with our lives. By including the second story with the humans in his novel, Yann Martel opens …

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…with several choices and consequently many different ways of reading his novel. It is with the presence of the second story and the choices that come along with it that force readers to think. These choices enlighten us and free our imagination into thinking of things we'd never otherwise think and seeing the world in a different light. It is with these choices that Martel makes Life of Pi such a profound and interesting novel.