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Essay Database > Literature
Chocolat If we were all to rebel against what we've always known to be accepted, if we were to completely ignore the teachings of our elders and do the things we've been taught to be "evil" and "sinister", what would happen? This situation is one which occurs in a small and tranquil French town in the extract from Chocolat. Throughout the extract there are a variety of juxtapositions, polarizations, and much contrast building the subject. …

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…always as is seen, especially when it comes to Religion where the church is a means of control. This control is used as a juxtaposition, repression, and emphasis throughout the movie as well as the passage. All the factors mentioned in the essay; character, language, connections, significance, tie in to create the subject. The subject of how the town's people judge Vianne and Anouk which then leads to tolerance- how the author creates the subject.