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Essay Database > Literature
-Chiropractic training is equivalent to that of a medical physician, and the number of hours for licensing is actually longer. -A doctor of chiropractic completes four years in a chiropractic school, with focused study of anatomy and physiology, and then moves to specialties like acupuncture, deep tissue massage or physical therapy. -Physicians must complete four years of medical school, then three to four years of residency in a chosen specialty, such as pediatrics or orthopedics …

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…will be able to show this research to the medical profession. What are some of the limits of your health profession? -If chiropractors know their limits and are confident, they might seek out an orthopedist. Both professions are quite different, and in some communities there's a lot of animosity. -Chiropractors have always scraped and fought for a place in medicine. The only reason this profession exists is because it works. There's a need for it.