ChineseAmerican Women in the US

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Essay Database > Literature > English
By the middle of this century, Chinese women had been playing a subservient role for more than 2000 years. In a woman's lifetime, she was supposed to obey her father when she was a girl, obey her husband when she got married, and obey her son when her husband died. She had no right to inherit family property and was not even allowed to keep her own name after marriage; she was addressed as her husband's …

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…etc, it is important that U.S. institutions be established to serve the immigrants needs in language acquisition, education, and employment. If timely guidance and support were provided, the acculturation process of immigrants would be greatly facilitated. The sooner Chinese women immigrants find their positions in a new society, the less pressure they will have to deal with, and the sooner they can make contributions to the society if they choose to pursue their careers.