Chinese immigration to canada.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
The New Immigration, Refugee Protection Act was started on June 28, 2002. The government of Canada tryed tof ind skilled workers from china. The government wannted to get people the could do a multiple jobs insted of having one skill like most canadians. To get a job they had to be offered it and the government would have to make sure that the employer had let the person be apart of that work place. IN the 1880's, …

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…people did not have a permanent residency before june 2002, they would need this form. It would have there age, what sort of education they had (schooling), If they have any relavnt work experience, how well they can speak ether french or English, that a petson had offered to give the person a job and the government had made sure of it, and if the person can adapted to being around people of a different nationality.