Chinese human trafficking toward United States.

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Introduction: Chinese immigration to the United States has had an extensive history and can be dated as far back as the middle of the ninetieth century. (Zai Liang, 2001) However, the recent wave of international migration from china has caught the attention of both China and the United States. These migration incidents have clearly shown the global scope of Chinese migration and give the misleading impression that the world's most developed countries are under the threat …

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…S. 1991 The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo, Princeton University Press, Princeton. Analytic Article. 9. Sheldon, R 1996 "Migration from China", Journal of international affairs, Conceptual Analysis and a Quantitative Description. 49(2), 434-455. 10. PeterKwong 1997 "Impact of Chinese Human Smuggling on the American Labor Market" A Conceptual Analysis and a Quantitative Description. "Global Human Smuggling" Chapter 9 11. John Asheroft 2004 "Characteristics of Chinese Human Smugglers" A Conceptual Analysis and a Quantitative Description report. The U.S Department of Justice. Pager 1-12