Chinese Immigrants

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Essay Database > History
Chinese Immigrants lived in really poor conditions. Small rooms were packed full of 20 to 30 immigrants. Rats and mice were everywhere, and catching diseases were often and deadly. Since there were no good vaccinations, many died from diseases caught from their workers. Sometimes the dirt would be inches high. Living in these conditions would be very harsh, yet still more and more immigrants from China came to mine and work on the railroad. The Chinese played …

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…sign advertising the Chinese Exclusion Act. People in the West were fed up with Chinese people taking their jobs. White people did not want to compete with Chinese in the labor industry, so they tried to get this law passed. The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed in 1882 and banned Chinese people from immigrating to the United States for 10 years. It was extended and lasted for 60 years until the next immigrant came to the United States.