Chines Exclusion Act

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Essay Database > History
Chinese exclusion, policy of prohibiting immigration of Chinese laborers to the United States; initiated in 1882. From the time of the U.S. acquisition of California (1848) there had been a large influx of Chinese laborers to the Pacific coast. They were encouraged to emigrate because of the need for cheap labor, and were employed largely in the building of transcontinental railroads. By 1867 there were some 50,000 Chinese in California, most of them manual laborers. Their numbers continued …

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…years. Some of the later acts (1888 and 1892) were flat violations of the 1880 treaty. A new treaty was signed in 1894 by which China agreed to exclusion of Chinese laborers for 10 years. When that period expired, Congress continued the exclusion unilaterally until the immigration law of 1924 excluded, in effect, all Asians. In 1943 the acts were repealed when a law was signed setting an annual immigration quota of 105 (since changed) and extending citizenship privileges to Chinese. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**