China's Path to Modernization

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Chris Miller February 20, 2001 Modern Asia Midterm Paper China's Transformation: Confucianism to Communism For two thousand years, China was dominated by a traditional dynastic system. Living with a confuciast ideology, the people of China rarely questioned the authority of the emperor. It seemed that this system of government would never end until it reached the mid-19th century and was forcefully exposed to western thought and politics. Chinese intellectuals, both confused and curious, searched for an …

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…ready to make change, According to Youwei, if China did not change its political system, it would perish. He believed that Japan was a good model to follow. Going even further than a constitutional monarchy, Sun Yat-Sen wanted to completely get rid of the dynastic system. He called for a republic in China and issued the Three Principles of People to give the Chinese an alternative form of government. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Sources of Chinese Tradition