China 4

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Essay Database > History
I. GREAT WALL OF CHINA. The biggest man made structure ever built, is the Great Wall Of China. The Great Wall Of China is a wall that was built during the Chin dynasty. The Emperor during the Qin dynasty, Qin Shihuangdi, gave the order to build the wall. Parts of the enormous structure date back to the 4th century BC., but the earliest major work on the wall came during the Ch'in Dynasty, which lasted …

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…through canyons that it has cut into mountains,but eventually the river empties into the East China Sea ,north of shanghai-one of China's most important ports. The Huang river in China travels eastward into the Bo and Huang seas. The river travels 2,900,and is important because it waters 35 million acres of farmland . The Huang River carries vast quantities of a fine yellow soil -called loess,the loess is washed into the river from the banks.