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Chiang Kai-shek: Chou En-lai (Zhou Enlai): 1898-1975 One of the leaders of the Communist Party of China, and prime minister of the Chinese People's Republic from its inception in 1949 until his death, born in Huaian, Kiangsu Province, China. In 1927 he became a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China, and in 1932 was appointed to succeed Mao Zedong as political commissar of the Red Army, but after 1935, following Mao's elevation, he served him …

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…anghai, Western volunteers organized the "Ever Victorious Army," commanded first by the American adventurer Frederick Ward and later by the British soldier Charles Gordon. This army inflicted heavy defeats on the Taiping in the Shanghai area, and in 1864 Tseng's army recaptured Nanjing. Hung had already committed suicide when the city was taken. The extended revolt, which cost the lives of approximately 20 million people, seriously weakened the Manchu dynasty and contributed to its eventual downfall in 1912.