China - Case study

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
A.Geographic China is the world's forth-largest nation. Located in Eastern Asia with Russia and Mongolia to the north, India to the southwest, and Vietnam and Laos to the southeast. China has a total land area of 3,695,500 square miles. Its capital lies at Beijing, while China's largest city is Shanghai. China boast some 14,500 km of coastline. Its climate is extremely diverse. It ranges from subarctic in the north to tropical in the south. China's terrain …

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…interested in hearing about other Chinese cities you have visited. When visiting China it is best to give your host a detailed itinerary. The Chinese do not care for spontaneity. It is important to have learned at least a few words of Chinese. This shows you are interested in your host's culture and language. F.Dress Clothing styles are rapidly changing in China. Businesspeople have adopted Western-style suits. The Chinese dress formally for business activities.