Chillingworth Roger

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The theme, "Within each person exists the capability for both good and evil" is illustrated through Roger Chillingworth. Originally born Roger Prynne, he lived in England as an old and lonely scholar dehumanized by a life of abstruse studying. He makes the mistake of marrying a young wife, a generation younger that he is. He sends her to America, to the Puritan colony of Massachusetts, with instructions to live quietly until he arrives. Due to "…

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…it is at this point that, through Dimmesdale's words, Chillingworth has committed the most severe sin: Violating the sanctity of the human heart. This new knowledge does not set Dimmesdale free of Chillingworth's control. It is not until Dimmesdale's confession to the town that he escapes the control of Chillingworth. Although Dimmesdale gained back his control, it was too late to gain his health back.. Without anyone to torment, Roger Chillingworth dies within a year.