Childless by choice

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
Are you seriously debating the issue of whether to have children or not? If so, then congratulations on at least considering your motivations in this life-changing decision. Being undecided can bring a host of problems in itself; therefore, most of us like to make firm decisions in whatever life-changing circumstance we find ourselves at the moment. However, in this case it can prove so difficult as to span the entire length of one's adult reproductive …

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…up in a dysfunctional and/or abusive family. Do you have emotional scars that would impair your ability to be a good, stable parent? Or did your parents guide you so well that you feel you'd make a great parent? These are personality traits, as well as weaknesses and strengths, one needs to be aware of; by close self-examination, you will find much more self-knowledge that would be important in making a choice about parenting.