Child negelct

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Many companies and schools in the United States buy their products from factories that have their workers working in horrible conditions. "That is employing over 50,000 workers to work in these conditions" (Jensen, Davidson 279). They have the workers work from 5 A.M. until nighttime inhaling dangerous chemicals and working in temperatures that get as high as 130 degrees. These high temperatures cause heat stress, burns, and injuries to workers. Many of the factories that the United States …

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…a part of their provider for their product. Students are working together to make sure that the workers will have better working conditions and better benefits. Children should be able to go and play like a normal child. They should not worry whether or not they should be at a factory working. Children under the age of sixteen should be out having fun, not locked up in a damp, dark, and dirty factory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**