Child abuse and my answer for it

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
12/01/03 Child abuse and my answer for it Imagine being a young child. Picture that someone is mistreating you, and you are completely unable to retaliate in any way. Imagine what would be running through your mind, all of the fear and hatred that you can do nothing with except hold it all inside. The United States government defines child abuse specifically as "any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent …

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…Michigan Children's Trust Fund. 1992. Child Maltreatment. 27 MAR 00 Missouri Children's Trust Fund. The Economic Costs of Shaken Baby Syndrome Survivors in Missouri. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri Children's Trust Fund. 1997. The Neglected Child. 29 MAR 00 Petit, M. R. "Child Abuse and Neglect: A Look at the States 1997." CWLA Stat Book. Washington, DC: CWLA Press. 1997. 14-39. Statistics of Child Abuse. 27 MAR 00 Understanding Child Abuse. 01 APR 00 Widom, C.S. The Cycle of Violence. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice. 1997.