Child Rearing

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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Literature > English
How to Raise Healthy Children Many of today's parents today still believe that it is necessary to discipline and punish children in order to raise them into healthy, good people. However, leading researchers are warning society that traditional child-rearing practices and punishment of children can lead to just the opposite: physical and mental illness, depression, criminal behaviour and violence. The most damaging myth in our society that contributes to the failure of adults to see …

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…and not the experience of cruelty) that has been stored up inside them from the beginning." Violence, mental illness, and criminal behaviour can be decreased in our society only if we start to look at how we raise children and what is truly good for them and what is not . The consequences of our blindness to needless suffering will continue unless we look at the roots of these problems and question our current child-rearing practices.