Child Labor on "Walt Disney"

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Masterpuppet World Poverty and Economic Development Prof. Coombs It is really no secret today concerning child labor in the world. Unbelievingly enough, "the happiest place on earth" not only focuses on marketing to the young children, but also uses them as slaves to produce their toys and clothes. The Walt Disney Company commercializes on their characters from Mickey to their current characters of Mulan and Aladdin. Taking their hit characters from the big screen to …

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…stigma on the United States as a country that agrees to host child labor factories in other countries. Individually I feel that United State citizens should get involved in groups such as the Child Labor Coalition to make a difference. Writing letters to the government will also produce awareness for governmental officials. These children are our future and if we don't take care of them now, we won't have a future as a functioning society.