Child Abuse and How it Applies to Gal by Ruthie Bolton and Lucky by Alice Sebold.

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Child abuse is a disgrace to the American Society. It is an act that accomplishes nothing but bad things. It shows how low some people are in our society that they would beat their own children or other people's children. According to the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information there are millions of children that are abused every year (1). The perpetrators that commit these crimes against children are parents, siblings, babysitters, teachers, or …

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…give up. Works Cited Robbins, Paul R. Anger, Aggression, and Violence. Jefferson: McFarland, 2000. 68-69. Thorman, George. Family Violence. Springfield: Charles C Thomas, 1980. 11. United States. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Child Maltreatment 2001: Summary of Key Findings. 6 October 2003. 2 December 2003 < canstats.cfm>. 1. Willey, Richard D. "Assault Against Children: The Law and Its Enforcement." Assault Against Children. Comp. and ed. John H. Meier. San Diego: College-Hill Press, 1985. 99.