Child Abuse an essay about the books"A Child Called It" and "The Lost Boy." written by David Pelzer

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
<Tab/>Child Abuse <Tab/>The youth of America today will be our leaders tomorrow. What if the youth never make it past 13? What would happen if parents took out their anger on their children all the time? Not every child is exposed to violent parents, but others are not as fortunate. Child abuse, a crime that takes place everyday, is adequately addressed when steps are taken to …

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…still are abused.<Tab/> <Tab/>Since many people are involved in keeping children out of abusive situations the system is working. Laws state that signs of child abuse must be reported and once the child is taken out of the bad environment he/she has to be put in a safer and more comfortable place. Because we have laws like these the children of American are safer.