Child Abuse 3

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
There are many children that are being abused constantly and this number is increasing every year. The number in 1986 was 2 million and now that number has more than doubled. When we here the word child abuse we often see this as being only physical, but in reality child abuse also consist of emotional abuse, neglect and sexual abuse. The abusive parent has many problems, they are impulsive, defensive, and have a poor sense of identity. …

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…all the signs that point directly to towards any physical or emotional abuse should be attended immediately, because the consequences can be disastrous. As the number continues to increase one should keep their eyes pealed and look at for the youngsters that will be in charge in the future. This is why I want to be a part of this field, even if I can't change the world I can be part of the solution.