Child Abuse

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Similarities of Neglectful and Abusive Families Clients, who have been brought to the attention of Social Services or other professionals due to abuse and/or neglect of a child, may be resistive to treatment. The family may resent the interference of an outside agency in their family. The family may not see their parenting as wrong or inappropriate. The negative patterns of behavior established in the family keeps the family together. Treatment may force the …

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…times of crisis is an important factor for both families. The more supports the family has to utilize the decreased incidents of isolation and less stress for the family. Crosson-Tower, C., (2002). Understanding child abuse neglect. (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Greenwalt, B.K., Sklare, G., & Portes, P. (1997). The therapeutic treatment provided in cases involving physical child abuse: A description of current practices. Child Abuse & Neglect 22(1), 71-78. Taylor, D.K., personal communication, documented case records, 2003.