Cheyenne Indians

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Cheyenne Indians, an important Plains tribe, speaking a language belonging to the Algonkian family. Their name is derived from the Sioux Indian word that means "people of alien speech." In 1804 the explorers Lewis and Clark met the Cheyenne tribe near the Black Hills of South Dakota, but there is evidence that before 1700 the Cheyenne had lived a more settled existence in Minnesota. By the mid-1800's the Cheyenne had become fully adapted to a nomadic …

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…was unusual for the mimicry and clowning in it. Both of these were performed by other Plains tribes as well. The Peyote Cult has also become important among the Cheyenne today.Several thousand Cheyenne live on reservations in southeastern Montana and in southwestern Oklahoma. In Oklahoma some intermarriage with the Arapaho has occurred. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1)Berthong, D. J., The Southern Cheyenne (1975; reprint, Univ. of Okla. Press 1981); 2) Grinnell, G. B., The Fighting Cheyennes (Univ. of Okla. Press 1985).