Chester Arthur

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
During the Gilded Age, there was a deep division between American citizens in politics. Campaigns were usually an arduous process. The results of the majority of the elections were usually very close. Although one would expect good presidents to come out of this, the majority of them were corrupt and eventually would be forgotten. However out of all these presidents, Chester Arthur, seems to have been the one to be most qualified for the job. …

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…put an end to the ineffectiveness and corruption in the naval shipyards. Although, Arthur was never supposed to become the president, he established a lot of the ideals and reforms that we follow through with today. He had lots of political integrity and many believe that he should have run for another term. However, the Republicans refused to nominate him because of his attempts to curb corruption. He died on November 18, 1886 of a cerebral hemorrhage.