Chesapeake vs. New England Regions.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Physics
Although the New England and Chesapeake regions were both settled largely by people of English origin, by 1700 the two had evolved into two distinct societies. It would be impossible to explain each of the hundreds of reasons for this change in development but, there were many important factors whose effects can be seen. Some of these factors were religious motives, economic motives, environment (for crops) , and social life. These factors are of importance because it …

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…for work in the tobacco fields. During the first half of the 17th century only a small percentage of blacks were viewed as less than indentured servants. However between 1640 and 1670 blacks came to be seen as lifelong slaves whose status would be inherited by their children. Since people in Chesapeake also had very short life spans compared to the New Englanders. So 40 percent of indentured servants failed to live long enough to gain their freedom.